That's the title to the Tony!Toni!Tone! song back in 1990, remember?
(If you don't, please youtube the R&B classic. It's worth the 4 minutes.)

Despite what the song says, it's been raining on and off in LA and will continue all week. Some people complain about it and hole themselves away, but I love it. I wish it would rain for a month straight.
It's not that I'm a gloomy person and wish misery on everyone. I just feel most of us in Southern Cali have a tendency to take the sun and beautiful weather for granted.
Rain gives us spoiled, sunshine brats a chance to appreciate how good we truly have it. It's like that trite saying, "you don't know what you've got, until it's gone."
So when the sun comes back, give it the respect it deserves. Call-in sick.